Men's Ministry


Sunday - 10:30AM "Family First" Worship Service / Wednesday - 7PM "Family Together" bible study

The Men's Ministry of Strong Tower Ministries

Strong Tower Men’s Ministry's purpose is to be a ministry that unites men in fellowship at regular intervals. It is our desire to see men become a united brotherhood of strong believers who stand on the word of God and have a daily communion with God through prayer.

Our goal is to reach beyond the walls of the church and reach men who haven’t come to the knowledge of Christ as their personal Savior and bring them into relationship with God. To see men evolve in relationships from man to man until they become brother to brother in the spirit of Christ.


It is our vision to see every man of STM being a man full of the spirit, in his rightful place in the ministry, holding up our pastor in every capacity, that we may win the world for Jesus.

To see every man be a true example of what Jesus can do in the lives of a surrendered vessel, in our homes, jobs, or wherever the soles of our feet tread.



Providing a word based foundation for men in a God fearing atmosphere, with the intent, to take back what the enemy has   stolen from us. As iron sharpens iron, together we will build an army through fellowship, unity, harmony, love and peace that will carry out God’s will for men on this earth.